An Excuse to Write
Thursday, August 11, 2005
  Thursday Morning
Deep sleep with dreams imbibed in logic that makes complete sense within it. Waking up devoid of any discontent. Driving class early in the morning. Being placed in the driver's seat straight away - not unlike being pushed into a swimming pool. The feel of the clutch, accelerator and, occassionally, the break under my feet. The inscrutability of the steering wheel. Going back to sleep. A quiet breakfast in the absence of the bustle of people who have places to go and things to do. A reasonably empty house around mid-morning. A slight breeze. Music and half a cup of coffee.

A cold that make all these even more special.
there is an attempted Kolkata bloggers meet this Sunday (check out for details) - drop by if you are in Kol and not busy - thanks
lovely. i cant count how many times i felt like that when i used to wait for a bus while on my way to school. keep it up.

do visit my blog
I just discovered that you have me on your blogroll. Thanks. This is the first time I have come across your blog and I have added the feed to my feed reader...

Have a nice day.
Hey ! Where are you ?
Hope everything's fine...
anyways Merry Christmas !!!

The Surging Waves
My god girl you write so much! phew! It will take sometime for me to get over all your stuff here...
so ya studying? hmmm! still in college eh! hard...

ammi kolkata thekee...opps! my bongs sucks man! sorry about that dear...cheers!keep up the good work...just savin your blog on my machine here...will update my blog later...
p.s post a pic of yours...
Hey! sorry to post again...i got friends in friends...I did my schooling from St.James...ya heard of it right? ahhh! Mojhjit, Kaezad...n lemme think who else is there...ummmhh!!! a girl called Paroj...well thats abut it..theres more...cheers once again...
Hi, what happened ? Why did you disappear ?
write, silly.

thoughts. dreams. beliefs.

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"You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen, or because writing will mend something broken inside you, or bring something back to life-" - Jay Makintosh (from Blackberry Wine) I need to write. I need to rearrange and refine sentences. I want to ponder over how to put that thought in words; so that it fits in the scheme of things just so. Words can create magic and I want to get lost in them for some part of each day's life.

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