Power of Music
I am always amazed the way music can affect. Your emotions can resonate with a song; it can take you for a ride. And you can’t always point out what moved you. Was it the melody, the rhythm, the lyrics? Did it evoke some association that eludes your conscious thinking? Some songs so strongly remind me of certain people or situations that they seem to provoke equally powerful sentiments.
Did you ever feel that way? As if somebody found the keys to your consciousness and decided to play heavy tones of depression, sharp notes of desperation, soft refrains of nostalgia and a racy tune of high spirits? Was listening to Naach. I could taste the searing ambition in my mouth in Saara Saara. More than that, a sense of sadism, masochism, longing and futility has found its way in Makarand Deshpande’s rendition of Rakht Ka Hai, that is rousing in me uneasy fascination.