An Excuse to Write
Friday, August 06, 2004
  Losing Time a.k.a Four Days of Office Life

The title is misleading. I do not mean to imply that my loss of time is a direct result of attending office. This phenomenon, to the best of my memory, has been taking place ever since I passed out of school (Ah, how wonderful was/is that!). With distinct timetables and the necessity to remember certain dates (read: tests) memories of day-to day events were just better organized.

Now, just after the boards I did nothing and nothing happened to me. It seemed natural not to be able to distinguish one day from the other.

Software classes did make life less blurry (not to mention reminded me of my duty towards the world of computing; I exaggerate; and uplifted me from the dregs of boredom; I exaggerate not.)

Now (again) I'm working 9-6 in an office, 5 days a week but my sense of time remains distorted, or rather off-balance. When and for how long I performed a particular task I can't say for sure. Sometimes it’s hard to explain what I did at the end of the day.

This state of affairs isn't disturbing, just puzzling. I do not want the ever-nagging tension of near-boards school. I suppose I'm suffering from a kind of jet lag that I will undoubtedly recover from. Time shall have new signposts, other than ringing bells.

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"You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen, or because writing will mend something broken inside you, or bring something back to life-" - Jay Makintosh (from Blackberry Wine) I need to write. I need to rearrange and refine sentences. I want to ponder over how to put that thought in words; so that it fits in the scheme of things just so. Words can create magic and I want to get lost in them for some part of each day's life.

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