An Excuse to Write
Monday, July 05, 2004
I have to write more. I seem to have this nagging feeling that if I did, my life would make more sense, have more purpose. I suppose that's what this blog could be about: An excuse for me to write.

It would actually be safer than writing in some kind of personal diary, which I would invariably leave around the house for someone to find and read. And nobody in my family really browses the net the way I do and wouldn't bother to look here of all places.

There's so much stuff that you want to tell someone or the other, but can't collect your thoughts at that moment. To organize your thoughts and express yourself clearly by talking, by writing, by painting, etc, etc, clears up the clutter in your mind a bit.

Makes sense. Here's to writing (and blogging).
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"You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen, or because writing will mend something broken inside you, or bring something back to life-" - Jay Makintosh (from Blackberry Wine) I need to write. I need to rearrange and refine sentences. I want to ponder over how to put that thought in words; so that it fits in the scheme of things just so. Words can create magic and I want to get lost in them for some part of each day's life.

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