An Excuse to Write
Sunday, July 18, 2004
  Sucker for Personality Tests
My Bloginality is INFP.

I consider my liking for personality tests a personal eccentricity, a side-effect of my personality, if you will. This test however, struck a cord and gave me a sense of deja vu (god know's why), that I'm powerless to ignore.

PS: One of the fictional INFP's listed here is Calvin!

PPS: Oh, and I got to this test from a link on Basket Case

PPPS: This is me right now...

Calvin rox !
personality tests are always useless...few questions cannot tell what type of personality u hold
amit: They may be useless but they are fun :)

Dipika: Here is one more for u :)
Vardan already said what i wanted to say... :( neways...

Try for a complete mapping of the 4 main types and related 4x4 sub types.

I don't think personality types are nonsense. They make quite a bit of sense. It gives the key to understanding oneself better and the people around you. Like everything else it has to be Learned and Used properly.

By the way you might try reading 'Man and his Symbols by Carl Gustav Jung a series of essays by the Master and his associates (if you haven't read that already).
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