An Excuse to Write
Friday, July 30, 2004
  New toys to Play and Work with
My father bought these two, second hand at 10,000 Rs, and they have been duly handed over to me to use and give feedback! My obvious favourite is the iPAQ and most of my blog entries now on will have been written on it. I have taken out my laptop to sync with these, ( my PC right now keeps hanging and is only capable of accessing the internet and playing games) and I'm using it to log on the net after a long time. I will post their reviews here later on. Yeah!

Compaq iPAQ h3800 | Palm Vx
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"You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen, or because writing will mend something broken inside you, or bring something back to life-" - Jay Makintosh (from Blackberry Wine) I need to write. I need to rearrange and refine sentences. I want to ponder over how to put that thought in words; so that it fits in the scheme of things just so. Words can create magic and I want to get lost in them for some part of each day's life.

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