An Excuse to Write
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
  Dilemma (Sequel to Sharing Code)
The problem with saying all that I just said is that it makes me feel a bit guilty.

On One Hand...
* I'm being selfish.
* I shouldn't let all this bother me too much. If I'm good at what I do, someone will notice.
* Sharing ideas and solutions is good. Non-zero sum game.

On the Other...
* I can't possibly be selfless?! Concientous, yes.
* Really? Who will? People are not clairvorant.
* Its still a non-zero sum game. My gain is not their loss and vice-verca. Sharing as a non-zero sum game is worth playing only if both sides contribute or as an investment for future returns.

I wish my mind worked a little less like a pendulum. I should stick to one way and stop thinking so much. Ha! Wishful thinking.
I guess its natural to protect your work. The reaction to this is different from different strata in the competition. And i've been on both sides of it, the top and the bottom, i know how it feels. When you're at the top, you guard your things, lest people overtake you. And when you are at the bottom, you sneer and abuse such people at the top.

However, i feel that such kind of behaviour is justified only when you have 'genuine' competition. People who are so far behind you that they can never make up to where you are, they deserve to be helped(Inspite of the lack of effort they put in: Coz they are friends afterall !). And in the rare case of good peers, you can always conspire to team up against your teachers/guides/professors :D
Teju! What is that supposed to mean ! Am i not a helpful guy !!! Ouchhhh that really hurt !!!!

< cry cry cry >
My competition is somewhere in the middle. And I'm not particularly pleased when the instructor comes back the next day and says " all of you managed to do the assignment. Good.", cause I know most of them just copied off mine. As far as I can tell, there's no way of distinguishing who did what until you drill everyone about the logic behind the execution.
hey dipika,
trust me, that really sucks, i know what that means, having sat up all night long and do your projects, (we call these projects in NUJS) and the nextr morn, someone wakes up ten minutes before the class is due, walks up with a pen drive, Hey Sagnik, gimme that soft copy and walks off, tweaks a few points here n there, n submits as his original work. Hah! so much for copyrighters!!!!
but then, thats life, and i guess that you have to face it, think of it this way. The whole of your life, you are going to work under some bozo or the other who knows less than you do and they are gonna pass off your work as the firms' and all that you are gonna end up with is a lousy raise... until, of course, you yourself reach that stage!!!! hah hah hah...
relax man, n take it easy... life's not very "fair, but what the hell, you are not a loser.... take the bouquets with the brickbats.... and smile....
thats when you are truly....what was that again?
I am on the top of the world,
Looking down on creation,
And the only explanation that I have,
Is the love that I've found,
Ever since you have been around,
You've put me on the top of the world.

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"You write because you need to write, or because you hope someone will listen, or because writing will mend something broken inside you, or bring something back to life-" - Jay Makintosh (from Blackberry Wine) I need to write. I need to rearrange and refine sentences. I want to ponder over how to put that thought in words; so that it fits in the scheme of things just so. Words can create magic and I want to get lost in them for some part of each day's life.

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